Business Intelligence & Data Analysis

SQL Case Study

Explored a dataset using SQL in Azure Data Studio to extract meaningful insights.

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Python Case Study

On Jupyter notebook, I used various packages (NumPy, pandas, Seaborn and Matplotlib) to combine, clean, and transform data. Further analyzed and visualized insights to support informed decision-making.

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Google BI
Google BI Analyst

Merged and analyzed data using BigQuery and SQL, created a dashboard with Power BI, and provided recommendations to address a business problem.

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Web Development

Wildlife landing page

Built with CSS, HTML, and Javascript.

Chobe travel
Travel landing page

Built with CSS, HTML, and Javascript. Includes embeds.

Python Weather App
Python Weather App

Built on Replit the Rich and Response packages, an API, and Python.

World Clock
World Clock

Built with HTML, CSS, Javascript, Moment.js and an API.

Travel Tips AI App
Travel AI Assistant

Built with HTML, CSS, Javascript, Typescript.js and an API.

Weather Forecast
Weather Forecast App

Built with HTML, CSS and an API. It is responsive.